Contact us for prayer requests, prayer times, and prayer events.
Please Make Checks Payable to:
Christian Outreach Ministries
2135 E. Cherokee Dr.
Woodstock, GA 20188
We depend on your help to better serve multi-ethnic churches and ministries.
We want The Land used as much as possible for God's Kingdom. Churches and ministries, particularly those with a multi-ethnic focus, are welcome here anytime.
Get Involved
Christian Outreach Ministries is a 501c3 Non-Profit that does ministry as "The Land".
All donations are tax deductible when made payable to Christian Outreach Ministries.
What People Say

Beth and Jack, Donors
The mission field has come to your doorstep and is ripe for harvest...You have truly answered His Call to live your lives in faith and work for His Kingdom.

Scott, Ministry Leader
The Land offers an essential service to the Church - a clean, safe place for followers of Jesus to draw closer to Him. Since life-change happens here, I will continue to bring groups here as often as I can.

Jacob and Karen, The Land
There is no better place to live and love. We are grateful for the opportunities to serve the people who seek a deeper relationship with Jesus.

Beth and Jack, Donors
The mission field has come to your doorstep and is ripe for harvest...You have truly answered His Call to live your lives in faith and work for His Kingdom.

Scott, Ministry Leader
The Land offers an essential service to the Church - a clean, safe place for followers of Jesus to draw closer to Him. Since life-change happens here, I will continue to bring groups here as often as I can.

Jacob and Karen, The Land
There is no better place to live and love. We are grateful for the opportunities to serve the people who seek a deeper relationship with Jesus.